Monday, July 25, 2011


Oral Fixation is a piece of work. The conversation continued.

Him: Why dance when you can dip? Besides I'm too white and straight to dance.
Me: Well, I'm a dancer. I'm sure you can find dippers on this site. (Please excuse the euphemisms.)
Him: Yes i can. But I'm daring you to dip with me.. :)
Me: I don't think we're a match, but I'm flattered nonetheless.
Him: too bad. would have been fun for the both of us. I'll be here if you are tired of looking and feeling really frisky. Would love to see how many times I could get you off. (Seriously?)
Me: Jesus, you are forward as hell!
Him: and? Some gals appreciate an honest guy. Would you rather have that or someone who lies to get in your pants? Shaved unshaved or waxed?

What in the hell is happening????? He then started IM-ing me and it got so disgusting that it was comical. If you're in LA, come see a show as I'm sure to be talking about this one.

1 comment:

  1. holy jebus on a scooter! being straight forward and not the same thing as just being a cheap guy perv.
